Sunday, November 11, 2007

Where's My Super Suit?

The Incredibles
My House

I love this movie. And I love that Tilda loves this movie. She woke up from her nap this afternoon asking for 'credibles. So I put it in while I made dinner. So technically I didn't actually watch the whole thing. But I've seen it enough times that I don't really need to. And it never gets boring.

So Brad Bird has managed to make three practically perfect movies in a row, with this one sandwiched between The Iron Giant and Ratatouille. For my money this is the best thing Pixar has ever released. I know people who don't care for it. They also seem to not like Ratatouille. I don't get it. And they all seem to love Cars. Anyway, Bird makes great movies that would not work in any medium besides animation. Look at the scene where Dash is being chased by Syndrome's henchmen and he's discovering just how fast he can run. One of the best action scenes ever put on film. No argument. Imagine it being done in live action. Wouldn't work -- though maybe I'm just thinking about how lousy the young Clark Kent running alongside the train effects looked in 1978 because I just finished watching a documentary about Superman. Lemme think. Nah, wouldn't work.

So what we basically have with The Incredibles is Watchmen for kids. But it's not really for kids, is it? (Even though my two-year-old loves it.) I don't think that Bird has an intended audience in mind when he makes movies (More on that when I finally get around to showing Jamee Ratatouille). He's smart and the work reflects that. I mean, this guy worked on The Simpsons when it was good. I mean really good. Back in the episodes where you can still remember quotes and stuff. Sigh, poor Simpsons.

Right, where was I? The Incredibles. Best superhero movie made so far. Grown-up entertainment that kids can enjoy and can hold a two-year-old's attention for two full hours. I love this movie. Have ever since I first saw it. And I'm glad my kid wants to watch something that doesn't make me want to claw my eyes out.

And dammit, the Watchmen movie had better be at least as half as smart as this.


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