Saturday, December 08, 2007

Fight the Frizzies

So Mystery Science Theater 3000 is pretty much back. We've got Joel and company doing Cinematic Titanic and Mike and company doing The Film Crew and Rifftrax. The first Cinematic Titanic movie is apparently due out on Monday and they're doing something called Brain of Blood. Can't wait.

But then there's Rifftrax. We've watched a couple of these. The one for 300 is hysterical and makes the movie itself worth buying in my opinion. But now they're doing something that's just wrong.

Now they're doing The Star Wars Holiday Special.

And that's not right.

It's pretty much the worst thing ever. It's the reason why Episode 1 is not the worst thing to ever have the name Star Wars slapped on it. Sure, it introduces Boba Fett, but the first half hour is in unsubtitled Wookiee for chrissake.

And now I have to watch it again.


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