Sunday, December 16, 2007


Mystery Science Theater 3000
Hercules Against the Moon Men


There's only one notable thing about Hercules Against the Moon Man and that's even considering the fact that nobody seems to be sure if star Alan Steel is even alive anymore. Seriously, there's a Wikipedia category for "possibly living people" and he's in there.

That notable thing is the endless sandstorm sequence. The first time you see it, it feels like forever. The second time through it's pretty bad, but nowhere near as bad as the first, which goes to show that the human brain can get used to anything.

Otherwise it's your standard poorly dubbed mid-60s Italian sword-and-sandals flick. It isn't even a frickin' Hercules movie, either. They just slapped the name on when it was dubbed into English because they figured that nobody in the States knew who the real hero, a strongman named Maciste, was.

Which is true.

And speaking of crap, Maddy took her first dump in a real toilet yesterday. We're very proud.


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