Sunday, December 09, 2007

Saturday Night Double-Feature - The midget is the baby's daddy... daddy... daddy...

Trapped in the Closet (Chapters 1-12)


So we watched Superbad. 'Twas mildly amusing. Some good bits. Not as funny as I hoped it would be. Don't feel the need to see it again. Can't even remember much of what happened in it less than twelve hours after finishing it.

And that's probably because we immediately followed it with Trapped in The Closet (Chapters 1-12).

I'd been told by the person who insisted that I watch Closet that it feels like you're spending an hour inside the mind of a retarded person and I can't really think of a more appropriate description. I don't even want to describe it. I just want people to see it. I can't tell if it's brilliant or stupid because I have no way of telling whether or not R. Kelly himself is even in on the joke. From what I've read he's not, but then that might be part of the joke. It feels like it was written by an adultery-obsessed third grader and it makes by brain hurt to even think about it.

My sister was right. Trapped in the Closet will change your life. In ways you cannot imagine.

I must own it.


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