Sunday, December 23, 2007

Featuring John Goodman as "Cop in Diner"


Yes. We watched C.H.U.D. We were going to watch Hatchet, but there was an ad before it for other Anchor Bay titles, one of which was C.H.U.D. And Jamee pointed out that I'd borrowed it from my friend Joe at least a year and a half ago and since I was going to see him today, we should probably watch it.

So I blame her.

I remember that when I was a kid, C.H.U.D. was this super scary monster movie that I was always just too afraid to watch. Man, I was really a wuss back then. For a monster movie there are very few monsters actually in it, and when they do show up it's just unfortunate. You could argue that the effects are just dated, but this thing came out four years after The Thing, so effects were being done back then that still hold up nearly thirty years later.

But as laughable as it is, John Waters points out in his essay "How Not to Make a Movie," that C.H.U.D. can be looked at as an example of what to do right if you want to make a movie. It cost very little, but made a profit nearly everywhere it was released. And it's gotten multiple references on The Simpsons. Which is great. I'm just saying you don't actually have to watch it.

Although John Goodman is great as "Cop in Diner."


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